what to look forward to in 2012...

it's been a busy 2012 so far and we are only 9 days in..  trying to get the house back together after the christmas storm that passed through it.. it looked like santa's factory blew up in my living room.. we got a new fridge (well new to me not new new ha) and boy did it take me forever to clean out the old one and then fill the new and while the new is much fancier with gadgets galore (which i haven't figured out all of them yet) its actually smaller in depth than my old one so i lost some room.. but never fear i was able to jam all my food in there ha.. now i haven't posted in a week or so but i have been cooking up a storm so i am going to post some pictures of things you have to look forward to this week..now i know i said back in october that i would be starting a segment called "under cover" and i wanted to try and duplicate a recipe from the cover of a magazine.. and while i haven't abandoned that idea i just hadn't had time.. but hopefully with the new year i can manage my time and get that started.. we have a new addition coming to our family this evening.. a precious beautiful baby girl dog.. i will post pictures tomorrow of her and my other sweet dog junior.. :)  so onto the photo's of the recipes coming up this week.. if you see a recipe and you don't want to wait for the recipe just drop me a note..

(easy oven bacon)

skinny taste's low fat banana bread

yorkshire pudding

crispy crock pot carnitas

fried egg quesadilla

asian marinated flank steak

roasted garlic red skin mashed taters

roasted leg of lamb

roasted chicken with herb butter

flour tortillas

eco friendly homemade lotion


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