when life gives you lemons.. make preserved lemons

i was on pinterest and found this recipe here.. i still had a bowl of lemons from my tree and decided to make some preserved lemons.. it's traditionally moroccan and while i have never had them, after my google search of other recipes and techniques i couldn't wait to make them and waiting the 30 days to use them will be difficult... there are so many recipes for them once they are preserved.. here are a few i think i might try.. what to do with preserved lemons and i think this sounds wonderful with talapia creamy preserved lemon sauce and finally roast chicken with preserved lemon and braised vegetables...
slice the lemons into paper thin slices, i used my mandolin and try and remove the seeds, it's kinda tricky because sometimes they get cut in half....stack in a mason jar and every few slices generously sprinkle course sea salt,  all the while pressing the lemons down so their juices come out.. when you get to the top of the jar squeeze more juice as needed to cover all your lemons and then add a thin layer of olive oil, store in an airtight jar in a cool spot for up to 30 days, the first week or so shake the jar around a little bit.. {days vary from different recipe to recipe}  when done they should be very soft in texture and sour... they can be kept in the fridge for up to 6 months..

enjoy and cook'n!!


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