pinteresting monday.. homemade peanut butter

i am not sure if i have mentioned before that i love peanut butter.. it's actually an obsession i have had since i was little.. i usually have a spoonful a day in some form.. whether it's on celery or on toast or just right out of the jar.. i have gone to the low fat version but have you looked at the ingredients?? scary.. so the other day i came across this recipe here.. and thought hmm i could make my own.. which is what i did this weekend.. and believe you me i won't be buying peanut butter again.. it was soooooooo easy.. as in turn on your food processor with peanuts in it and viola peanut butter.. and think of the possibilities.. you could make honey roasted peanut butter or almond butter.. oh oh what about cashew butter.. (that was my best horshack impersonation and if you don't know who horshack is can we still be friends? hmm.. probably but you need to bone up on your 70's sitcome tv shows..) i am so fricken excited i found this!! it's so creamy.. so delicate.. so peanuty.. it's amazing.. if you make it i bet you won't buy it again either.. keep it in an airtight container in the fridge for about 2 weeks or in a cool dry place on shelf for about a week.. remember there are no preservatives in it..

you start off with a container of peanuts.. i bought party peanuts at vons they were on sale.. i poured them into my food processor and basically processed on high until creamy and smooth.. takes about 5 minutes.. that's it that's all.. i had the best peanut butter and apricot jam sandwich ever today for lunch!!! (recipe for my jam can be found here)

the peanuts will go through stages ..

crushed into a fine powder..

a paste..

a thicker paste..

a dough ball (mine has a flat top from the bottom of the lid of the food processor)

and then in a second or two the ball breaks down into creamy peanut butter.. i stopped mine here. i tend to like it on the thicker side.. you can continue to run the food processor another 30 seconds or so and get a "runnier" paste..

augh i put it in one jar and there was to much so i grabbed another jar and not enough i didn't want to dirty another jar so it's only a 1/2 full jar of peanut butter.. now the website i refer to above has many suggestions to making different varieties of peanut butter.. check her site out.. i think next time honey roasted peanut butter is on the menu for me.. :)

p.s. i found out several of my casserole type dishes are listed here on this wonderful site All Free Casserole Recipes..specifically 2 of the recipes can be found here and here... :) pretty awesome...


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