a'hoy it's a boy!! welcome to the world baby jaxton dean reholm!
i've mentioned before that my niece is pregnant.. you might remember her wedding tea party shower we had last september that post can be seen here... or the a'hoy it's a boy pirate baby shower we had.. that post can be viewed here... or the one the boy's were tricked into attending.. that post here...
this was my niece on saturday... she is very pregnant.. she was ready.. her bags where packed and she was ready to go the hospital.. but baby jax was not having any part of that.. until now.. i am pleased to annouce that Jaxton Dean Renholm was born 7/31/2012 at 11:35 a.m. 7 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 inches long!!! i am so proud of my niece she was a real trooper and she couldn't have done in without her amazing husband, dean.. feelign very blessed and happy today..

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